It is often asked –

“How can you concentrate to write with the sun blazing outside?”

My answer: “Once you have lost yourself in the story, everything else diminishes.”

It is true, that many a writer finds the Winter months by far the less testing to write, but if writing is a love, and to most writers this is so, then Summer presents no hurdles.

Yes, we must look at holidays, school break ups, and children wishing for your company, but anything is achievable if it is planned. Sometimes forward thinking helps with those hazy, lazy days.

Everyone loves Summer, all those I know do, but if you have a story building in your mind the thought of not writing it down eats away at you.

My plan is simple: I work my days out.

If our little group of family are going out, then that day becomes what I call an ‘inspirational day’ = Mental notes I gather from the people and spaces around me. Other days, when not particularly going anywhere I spend time writing, losing myself in the thoughts I have


Therefore, the days of Summer and writing fuse together in deep harmony.

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