I have often been asked how I look upon my books – ie: as rivals, or as siblings: similar to how one grades a family.
I laugh and say that every book I write is parallel to giving birth – each one my baby. Sometimes the birth is easy, the story flows, the plot falls into place. Other times, the story needs extra consideration, and tidying up.
It is within these boundaries that the learning curve from writing jumps in.
Book One from my Rhia Bryant Series expand the adolescent years to womanhood of my protagonist; therefore, it is written in the vein of a girl/woman exploring her emotions and life’s mysteries.
Book Two of the same series encounters a slightly older character told in the form of a diary – her discovery of secrets and lies.
Book Three, in progress – reveals my characters progress to understand the mystery and world around her.
Siblings together, not in rivalry.
The Art of Deception by Emily Edwards
The Double-Edged Sword by Emily Edwards.
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